Spherical cap 051317
Square with convex curve
Coromandel Study
Coromandel Study
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Spherical cap 051317
Spherical cap 051317

Prototype for wall installation: Tested the effect of laser cut thin fire sheet to enhance optical reflections in this spherical cap. 12" x 3," glass.

Square with convex curve
Square with convex curve

This study was used to asses the use of a square mold for forming components of a wall screen.  Also used laser-cut thin-fire sheet to create texture on an otherwise unadorned surface. 12" x 12" x 2", fused and slumped glass, 2016

Coromandel Study
Coromandel Study

Fused glass, slumped glass, copper, fine silver, semi-precious stones, MDF base, 12” x 12” x 3”, 2015

Coromandel Study
Coromandel Study

Fused, slumped glass, copper, fine silver, semi-precious stones, MDF base, 12” x 12” x 3”, 2015

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Girih 1.jpg